Suitable for:

It is specially formulated for pregnant and lactating animals and more generally it is suitable for animals with very high functional needs.

CH35 - Nutristar


is a mares’ balanced feed with very high nutritional power, specially formulated for pregnant mares. Its nutritional composition rich in proteins, fats and fiber, supports mares in all their delicate stages of pregnancy. Moreover, it is of excellent support even during stages of lactation. The rich mineral-vitamin supplementation and the balanced formulation make NUTRISTAR the ideal feed for all animals with high nutritional needs.


NUTRISTAR HD is a feed for mares consisting of corn flakes, barley, broad-beans and locust beans mixed with highly concentrated pellet rich in proteins, fats, HD fiber, vitamins and mineral salts. A small amount of oats in grains is then added to the product. This feed provides a large slow-releasing energy coming from fats and oils.

  • Noble proteins with high bio-logical Value
  • Oils with Omega3 and Omega6 Intake
  • Digestible Fibers
  • Probiotics from Live Yeast
  • Vitamins
  • Oligosaccharides and Beta-glucans
  • L-Lysine
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