HorseNutrition, l'innovazione nel campo dei mangimi
HORSENUTRITION products are formulated considering the real nutritional needs of horses in the various physiological conditions in which they are and they are constantly updated according to new studies on equine nutrition. All our products make increasing use of “alternative†energy-boosting sources, such as fats and oils, in comparison with the standard ones (starches). Particular importance is given to the use of fiber that must be administered unsparingly to avoid horses known food problems, it should also be of excellent quality and readily digestible. Great attention is paid to vitamins and mineral salts supplements, which are optimally balanced according to the horse’s physiological conditions, as well as by further supplementing the horse’s diet with probiotics, omega3 and omega6, oligosaccharides, beta-glucans and electrolytes. Therefore, HORSENUTRITION product lines have been specifically formulated to meet, in the best way possible, all horses’ nutritional needs which can vary and require particular attention.
The fundamentals of horse feeding
Lipids are natural substances which fulfil a dual function of being a structural material of the cell wall and of acting as energy storage. This second function plays an increasingly important role in the horse’s diet: the energy taken from fats and oils does not run out immediately and it is longer available than other energy sources.
is usually given with hay. However, the hay administered can be often lignified ending up containing no fiber. For this reason, fiber is made readily available with feed.
Proteins consisting of amino acids are of fundamental importance. In fact, they constitute and are present in all body tissues. They should never lack in a balanced diet. However, excesses should also be avoided because they may create different metabolic problems.
Yeasts are extremely important microorganisms for improving gastric function and helping ration digestion. They also play a significant role in preventing pathologies linked to mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
They are unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), the so-called GOOD FATS. Flax and soybean oils contain plenty of them. An Omega-3 and Omega-6-rich diet helps the animal in all stages of its development, as well as its athletic performance, relevant health omega 3, in particular, are very important natural anti-inflammatories, and in reproductive stages.
Part of the cereals used in Horse Nutrition feed are [pressure] cooked! The forms of cooking used are FLAKING and EXTRUSION. Thanks to these cooking processes, cereals become much more digestible and assimilable, they consequently optimize animal feed efficiency and thereby increase the relevant athletic performance.
Also known as prebiotics, they are organisms indeed effective for the management of intestinal hygiene in fact they help in balancing the diversity of gut flora which populates horse intestine and keep harmful bacteria at bay. They are basically a highly active inoculum of “positive†eutrophic flora curbing possible proliferation of unwanted bacteria. Ultimately, prebiotics have important effects on horses’ well-being and therefore, on their outward appearance.
Vitamins are not all the same! In fact, even if synthetic vitamins mimic the action of the natural ones and thus are classified as “natural-identicalâ€, they are chemically equal to natural vitamins. Natural vitamins have a greater biological effect than their synthetic versions for reasons that are not entirely clear yet. In addition, the natural decay process is significantly slower in natural vitamins than in synthetic ones, ensuring longer preservation while keeping intact all their natural features in the finished product.
Trace elements (iron, copper, cobalt, selenium, etc.) play a pivotal role as cofactors in biochemical processes, similarly to what vitamins do. In nutrition it is important to assess the bioavailability of trace elements, that is, the possibility for the body to absorb them from the diet. In nature a trace element does not exist as a pure element, but it binds to other elements. The main factor which regulates the bioavailability of a trace element, is precisely its binding to other nutritionally neutral elements, as for example iron oxide. Chelates of trace elements are today’s known technology with the highest rate of bioavailability.